Today, Laba, you have to stay in New Year!

Date:2022-01-10    Visitors:0    Author:admin
Today, Laba, you have to stay in New Year!
Toddler children, don't
After the Laba is the year
Today is the eighth day of the lunar calendar
That's the "Laba"
Time to the end of the year
People are made by a bowl of hot lamet porridge
Kuckled the "Busy Year"
Laba Festival has been used as a traditional private holiday. In ancient my country, it is very early to have the custom of "Laba Festival", according to the Western Han Dai Sheng, "Li Suburb" record, the wax festival is "Years of December, all the gatherings, the same ". The Eastern Han Dynasty should be recorded in the "customs": "Braceis, hunting, Yan Tian hunting the animal, with the sacrifice of its ancestors." The days of holding the winter is also known as "wars", that is, here The sky is sacrificed to the ancestors and the gods, and this will pray for the grain.
For a long time, the lavar did not have a fixed date. When the Han Dynasty, the waist was identified in the third "" after the winter solstice. At the time of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the story of Buddhist legends added a new meaning in the Japanese, and the "Jing Chu's year" has been recorded in the "12th Day". The Wei Dynasty "big wax" in the Wei and Jin dynasties, "the age of incident, the eight wath is reported." I was coming into Yi, the year of Fengshui, "describes the scene of the gods in the ancient wars.
Laba folk

"Two towns is extravagant, one porridge." In many parts of my country, especially in the north, every time, every household will cook a big pot of Baqi porridge, family reunion, gift relatives and friends, this festival is important "ceremony".

Laba porridge is also known as the five-flavor porridge, usually made of various foods, beans, and both a good sign of five valleys, is also a good health food. Different from all over the country, the specific materials formulations are also different. For example, the northern Shaanxi will also join a variety of dried fruits, tofu and meat; Sichuan people are sweet, spicy, spicy, boiled with soybeans, peanuts, dies, radishes, etc. Split.

In addition, there are also folk-pavilions such as Laba, Bubble Eight Garlic, Tanned Tofu. In the north, there are some somewhere where you do or have less rice, and people don't eat Laba porridge, but eat. Bubble eight garlic, so that the garlic pet is removed from the old skin, soak in vinegar, it is a habit of eating dumplings in the New Year. It is a habit of especially North China. There is also "garlic" and "calculation" word with the word, and merchants should calculate the balance of payment and loss.
Laba Tofu is a flavor specialty in Guizhou County, Anhui Province. Every household digs a small hole in the middle of tofu, puts the right amount of salt, puts the sun, in the sun, inhale salt, dried water, that is, Beat Tofu.
In addition, Shandong also has the habit of "Laba Sweeping House", cleaning the house from the ridiculous outside, to welcome the New Year.
Laba is coming
The footsteps of the Spring Festival are close
Drink bowl of hot porridge
Keep warm!