Master four communication skills

Date:2022-02-24    Visitors:0    Author:admin
Master four communication skills

A effective communication, usually require four techniques to protect: information organization, ask, listen, feedback. Among them, the information organization is the foundation, and it is also a prerequisite for effective communication. In order to simplify the problem, this article is only for one-to-one communication situation.

Information organization
Organizational information should pay attention to three points: moderate, accurate, logic. The right amount, I can't say too much, the information is too much, the other party can't remember. We often see a situation in communication in communication, and the other will listen to the more confused. Accurate, it is to avoid using "perhaps, possibly, probably, almost, three five days" such a fuzzy language. To put it, don't let the other party guess, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings. Accurate expression, will leave a decisive, practicing, and reliable impression. Logic, ordinary people's understanding is the order, and there are three sequentials: time order, spatial order, degree order. Optional deployment, the other party is easier to accept.
In addition, information organizations are kept objectivity. Too subjective judgment, the credibility will decline.
Sending the point: Ask more open problems, ask less closed problems; ask more simple questions, ask a complex problem. Closed problems can only be used to answer "Yes or not", "rows or not", "right or wrong". Typically, the closed problem is used to end the conversation or the conclusion, and the open problem is to let the other party talk about their own ideas or suggestions, this kind of questioning method will understand a lot of information. Why do you ask more simple questions? Because complex problems need to be deeply thoughtful, sometimes it is difficult to respond immediately. In addition, don't ask sensitive problems, the other party is likely to refuse you, it is easy to cold.
The key to ask questions is to guide the other party and ask structured problems. Structural problems, it is designed in advance, often is easy to be difficult, from shallow depth, step by step, this way can make the questioner to control the rhythm of communication.
Neither point: do not interruption, do not judge, listen to complete, and respond. In communication, one listening is always habitually interrupted. In fact, they have not listened to each other's meaning, and they are eager to express their views. In particular, when the lower level is reported, the superior is always interrupted, and it is too early to judge. Everyone should develop a good habit: listen to the complete, respond. Listening is to "understand each other", not "refute each other" in the debate.
The key to listening is: transposition. The reason is difficult because, because many times, standing in their respective positions is right. But in any case, you can think of thinking about the other party's perspective, many conflicts can avoid.
Feedback main points: more active, less passive; more direct, less indirect. The meaning of communication is that the other party's response. If you want to communicate effectively, you must take the initiative to reflect your ideas and suggestions, don't be asked by the other party. In particular, in the context of the upper and lower levels, the subordination is more active. In the feedback, try to express your own ideas directly, don't tell stories, circle, and speech him.
The key to feedback is: timely. Feedback should pay special attention to timeliness, the more attention is to be, the more time it is. Especially in praise, when you motivate others, it will be more timely.
To effectively communicate, in addition to the above four communication skills, pay attention to control your emotions, always keep in mind: Treat your mood, then in place.